
mantidNexus.processNexus(dataFile, FWS=False)

This script is meant to be used with IN16B data pre-processed (reduction, (EC correction) and vanadium centering) with Mantid.

It can handle both QENS and fixed-window scans.

Then the result is stored as a namedtuple containing several members (all being numpy arrays).

  • intensities - 3D array of counts values for each frame
    (axis 0), q-value (axis 1) and energy channels (axis 2)
  • errors - 3D array of errors values for each frame
    (axis 0), q-value (axis 0) and energy channels (axis 2)
  • energies - 1D array of energy offsets used
  • temps - 2D array of temperatures, the first dimension
    is of size 1 for QENS, and of the same size as the number of energy offsets for FWS. The second dimensions represents the frames
  • times - same structure as for temps but representing
    the time
  • name - name that is stored in the ‘subtitle’ entry
  • qVals - 1D array of q-values used
  • qIdx - same as selQ but storing the indices
  • observable - data for the observable used for data series
    (‘time’ or ‘temperature’)
  • observable_name - name of the observable used for data series
  • norm - boolean, whether data were normalized or not